Roping Lessons & Clinics
Stockmanship, Roping & Riding
Have you ever wanted to learn how to ride or rope?
Maybe you would like to learn some skills to handle cattle more efficiently or to learn how to rope cattle effectively and in a safe way to.
We use our horses for just about every aspect of ranch work and are able to help show you to as well!
Rates are hourly $100 per hour
Small group lessons
Lesson horses available to rent
Roping & Branding Clinics
Flying Box Ranch Roping & Branding clinics are for beginner and intermediate ropers to improve their roping, stockmenship, and horsemanship and learn how to safely brand and work calves by heading and heeling.
Our clinics start with dummy roping to warm up and practice then lunch serving our Beef, followed by gathering and branding the calves.
Rope the sled dummy from the ground & while mounted
Practice stockmenship by gathering & sorting cattle
Head & Heel calves in the branding pen
Lunch provided featuring Flying Box Ranch Beef!
E4 Ropes available for purchase
Cost: $300/ Rider