Horse Training

I use our horses for almost everything on our ranch. It’s a great opportunity to not only get a job done but train horses while doing so,

It’s the perfect opportunity to show the horse why it is we’re teaching them to be soft and move athletically.

And gives them the opportunity to have fun working cattle

Rates are $900 per month

Horse Training

Specializing in

  • Refinement and finishing. Improving on the basic skills while introducing advanced skills, all while keeping transitions smooth, soft and relaxed.

  • Introducing horses to roping. From starting roping on the dummy, then as trust and skill improve moving to live cattle like tagging and roping calves, roping calves to brand and doctor. All this involves the horse to rate and track cattle outside in pastures with other animals, stay focused on the job while also staying soft and in your hands. Heading and heeling, tying off to step off and tag, doctor, and brand cattle.

  • Getting horses on cattle to work up towards skills needed for cow horse and cutting disciplines

  • Finishing horses to be fast, smooth, soft and quick in all transitions maintaining good collection. Part of the making in a Bridle horse.